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25 Years of Marketing…and Advertising, Too

When I got my B.S. in business administration with a concentration in marketing, we only took one class in advertising. In fact, if you wanted an advertising degree, it came as a concentration through the Communications Department at a separate college within the university. Marketing was about statistics, research and the science of it, and it still is in practice. Yet we still get many inquiries by good companies that want to start their marketing program with advertising—which might mean a new website or an actual ad campaign.

Mustang Marketing’s strategically driven creative approach is just what I learned in school and re-learned over and over again during my business career. Good marketing is about knowing where you want to go and researching the best way to get there.  It’s what the Mustang RoadMap is all about. Without clear direction—the audience and message—the finest marketing vehicle in the world won’t get you where you want to go. And without a destination—a few strong goals to begin with—you won’t know whether you got there, or even came close.

I don’t work for an advertising agency—though we have a creative team that can deliver stunning and effective ads. Mustang is a full-service marketing firm where we practice what I was taught in school. Before there were navigation systems on our phones, computers and cars, we all had to read maps. Let us help you get where you want to go with a map to a successful marketing strategy. The idea is not new. It’s why Mustang is celebrating 25 years of success.

Coming soon: Scott is currently working on a book that outlines how to develop the Mustang RoadMap. We will keep you updated on its progress. It’s going to be a great trip.

-Dianne McKay
Director of Business Development

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