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A Touching Day on the Job

Though hectic and trying at times, there are days on the job when you really appreciate what you do. We all have these days—ones that put things into perspective, make you feel empowered and remind you that you’re doing the right thing. For me, this occurred last Tuesday at a press conference at West Hills Hospital.

New to the Los Angeles media market, I had the tall order of getting the media to devote their attention to this press conference at a time when they could be covering any story in all of Los Angeles County. They had to be there…this wasn’t just any press conference; it was a press conference announcing and celebrating the release of a courageous burn victim.

Eleven months ago, 19-year-old San Diegan Derek Thomas endured severe burns to 85% of his body. Today, Derek, his family and the doctors and staff at West Hills Hospital are celebrating his survival and continued, miraculous recovery.

On July 19, every Los Angeles news station showed up to the press conference—that ended up being the easy part. Witnessing this young man, his doctors and the staff at West Hills as they spoke about courage and determination—that’s what ignited the tears.

Standing within feet of Derek Thomas and his family, and the talented staff at West Hills, was a privilege for me. Helping tell their story—also a privilege. Hearing people (who didn’t know I helped garner the press coverage) talk for days about “the amazing teen they saw on TV”—awesome.

It’s an honor to work with clients who are making a difference. Helping tell their story is what I’m meant to do.

-April Harter
Director of PR & Social Media

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