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Taking The Extra Step

Yesterday April Harter, our Director of Public Relations & Social Media, presented a webinar on LinkedIn to the staff of one of our clients.  Afterward, she sent a survey to each participant to get feedback. In the survey, she added a few questions unrelated to the webinar that will help us better understand the behavior of our client, their staff and customers.

It is easy to get so focused on doing the task at hand and checking it off our list that we sometimes forget to think about what else can be done. If you send a postcard to your customers, do you call a sample of the recipients to see if they remember it?  When sending an eblast, do you use the eblast tracking tools to see how well it performed? When a potential client turns you down, do you make an effort to find out why?

Think about what you are doing, and find a way to gain more insight from your customers. From a personal phone call to a follow-up email or survey, you may be able to gain even more information if you just take the extra step.

~Chris Barrett, Creative Director

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