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Look Both Ways Before Crossing the New Year

As we embark on a new year, this is a perfect time to look back and evaluate your marketing efforts over the last year. Discuss what was successful and accept what was not. This evaluation process is nothing new, but still important to future business success. And it’s never been easier to do so. If you have Google Analytics on your website, or sent e-blasts with Constant Contact this year, take the time to review the statistics. If you sent direct mail, did your call rate go up immediately afterward? What would have made these campaigns more effective? Could you have sent a follow-up email to the 250 people who showed enough interest in your email to click through to your website? How many people are viewing your website on a mobile device? Are you interacting with your audience in a way that fosters communication?

Just as important as looking back is looking forward. Set measurable goals you can evaluate throughout 2012–and mark appropriate deadlines on your calendar so you don’t let your goals slide. Have you taken the dive into social media? Have your costumers? Is your website mobile friendly?  How can you change your direct mail piece to break through the clutter? Are you including QR codes in your marketing? Not all of these questions will be applicable to your situation, but the important part of the exercise is simply asking questions that all center around the same idea: what else can you be doing?

Maybe this is the year to try something new.

By: Chris Barrett, Creative Director

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