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My Own Social Media Lesson

It’s 2012, and as part of my personal quest to try new things (like our weekly Mustang lunches), I decided to update my personal Facebook page to the new timeline format. For someone that does not like it when Facebook changes things, this was quite a step. Most of my colleagues here at Mustang had already made the switch and all helped walk me through it. The reviews on the new format have been mixed from my “friends” that either love it or hate it, but I like the photo-centric feel of the new look. And no, I didn’t know it looked more like MySpace because I’ve never been there. Sorry, Tom.

It also reminded me that I have other social media outlets that needs refreshing, hence my rather late New Year’s resolution of sorts: update, keep up and try new things with social media. Tweeting is not for me, so that’s a non-starter. But LinkedIn has many professional possibilities if I spend the time to take advantage of them—and that means not ignoring the group messages I get because I’m too busy. It means a hard look at the groups I’m in (and those that I should be) and taking full advantage of this tool. I also have a public Facebook page for my elected position on the community college board of trustees that deserves more regular attention.

It’s something that we’ve been telling our clients for months: social media is not static. And while updating my personal Facebook won’t provide the same potential financial and business gain as it will for our clients’ business, it will tap me into this marketing vehicle more, and furthering my LinkedIn presence can only expand my professional contacts and experiences.

Mustang Marketing helps customers maximize the potential of social media. Time to practice what I preach and get some shoes for the cobbler’s kid. While HootSuite, Four Square and YouTube aren’t for me personally, they might be right for you or your business. Start 2012 with an evaluation of what social media can be for you, even if it is just socializing.

-Dianne McKay, Director of Business Development

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