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Mustang Munchies: Week 11

Every Tuesday, the Mustang staff eats lunch together at a local restaurant that falls in the price range of about $10 per person. For 2012, we’ve decided to try a new restaurant every Tuesday. Yep, that’s 52 different restaurants to try this year!

On the bright side, Mustang Marketing is winning the battle with its weekly to-do list. Unfortunately, concessions were made in support of a victory—such as only sending out half the team to this Tuesday’s lunch. It ended up working out, coincidentally: if the whole staff had attended, we may not have fit inside the restaurant!

Although tiny, the Japanese eatery Nori supplied a cozy atmosphere for feasting, complete with an awning of fake moss and birds over the counter.

With interestingly modern dish designs and Michael’s eggroll served atop a lace doily, Nori exhibited class all the way. However, Randall’s system of eating miso ramen with chopsticks resulted in a lot of loud slurping. Chris managed to eat his udon with shrimp tempura quietly, but not without splashing his face on one occasion.

Randall gave Nori his most glowing score in weeks: “Not bad for Thousand Oaks!”

Michael, who ordered the same dish as Chris, also enjoyed his meal. “I’d rather come to this place than China Kitchen,” he said.

Chris agreed with the quality of the food. “Good value also weighs heavily in scoring,” he said, “and this place had it.”

Nori earned a satisfied “Domo Arigato,” and the second 5m rating in a row from the Mustang team.


If you have any recommendations, please share!

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