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Mustang Marketing, We Meet Again

My name is Jim Gucciardo, and I’ve happily returned to Mustang to do some freelance work for the company and help with a growing list of creative projects. Scott and I worked together for five years shortly after World War II (okay, maybe not that long ago), and our business relationship resumed right where it left off—as respected colleagues and friends.

Coming back to Mustang has been sort of like a “going back to your roots” thing for me, except now there’s such a thing as “web design” and creative meetings are no longer held on the golf course.

In the late ‘80s (when I really started at Mustang), everybody was using the Mac Classic—the one with the nine-inch monochrome monitor and whatever would fit on a 1MB floppy disk. Experiencing the new age of technology at my old work place has thrown me for a loop. The inks, paints and tissue overlays I used for graphic design work 20 years ago no longer have a place on my desk.

Other than that, the general environment hasn’t changed. It’s still a fun and friendly place to work—and my dog Juno was even invited to play. The staff seem to have gotten younger…with the exception of Scott Harris. The Mustang president is as passionate as ever—although his obsession for golf has given way to the harmonica.

So, with a slightly darker shade of purple on the business cards and more projects getting done faster than ever, I’m very happy to temporarily rejoin the Mustang team.

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