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Piquing My Pinterest

One of the newer social media sites is taking the web by storm. Women and girls (even some men and boys!) are spending hours using it to obtain new recipes or plan weddings. You guessed it. It’s Pinterest.

At first, I was dead set against this phenomenon. I thought it was for girly girls who had too much free time. Whenever I was asked if I was on Pinterest, I would laugh, proudly proclaiming I was not. Little did I know, however, that the joke was on me.

As it turns out, Pinterest is surprisingly useful. After tasting the superb blueberry cookies my cousin and I made from a recipe she found on the site, I allowed my mind to open a little.

That opening widened when I realized what Pinterest could do for our client Wedgewood Wedding & Banquet Center. Propelled by the possibilities, I gave myself a weeklong crash course and learned everything I could about the site. I even set up my own pin boards to practice—something I swore I’d never do.

When I was confident with my pinning abilities, I started working on a Pinterest page for Wedgewood ( I set up a different pin board for every location, plus one for blog pins and other trends. I was shocked that people had started pinning for Wedgewood before I had, and now scores of people are liking and repinning the photos I posted. I am also pleased to report that Pinterest has increased traffic on Wedgewood’s brand-new website (, which was the ultimate goal.

Here’s the business lesson I’m trying to relay: don’t balk at options you don’t believe are worthwhile simply because you’re not interested in them. Look into it. Have an open mind. That’s the Pintelligent thing to do.

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