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Healthy Office Snacks

Isaac Newton had an apple fall on his head. Yes, he came up with the idea of gravity, but the real question is: did he eat the apple to come to this conclusion? Recently, Mustang has added a grand new addition to the office: fresh fruit. Before, a jar of assorted chocolate candies and sweets was all Mustang had to get through the day. These fruits offer a healthier and more nutritional option to keep us focused and energized throughout the day. Here are some good fruits to keep your staff stimulated:

Apples are a healthy alternative to your daily cup of coffee. For those of you that need a morning pick-me-up, an apple contains 12% of your daily recommended intake of fiber, 10% of your daily recommended intake of vitamin C and trace amounts of such important minerals as calcium, potassium and manganese. To put the rumor to rest, there isn’t any caffeine in an apple, but there are natural sugars in them to give you that boost you need—the all-natural way. (Calories: 65)

Oranges, the original cold busters, contain the recommended daily intake for vitamin C and the amount of fiber as seven cups of corn flakes. Aside from strengthening your immune system, the orange is also known to fight against free radicals that cause cancer and help diabetic patients keep blood sugar levels under control. This fruit will work to keep your staff going strong through the cold and flu seasons. (Calories: 65)

Peaches are high in beta carotene, an antioxidant that converts to Vitamin A, which is essential for healthy hearts and eyes. The darker the peach’s color, the more Vitamin A it has in its pulp. So if you’re staring at the screen all day, make sure to take a peach break and give your staff’s eyes (and heart) some vital nutrients. (Calories: 38)

Berries are known to contain huge antioxidants, a natural defender of cancerous agents. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, berries may help prevent skin, bladder, esophagus and lung cancers. These small treats will promote general health amongst your staff. (Calories: 40-65 per cup)

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