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5 Marketing Myths You Should Stop Believing

We’ve all been there. Whether you believed that eating lots of carrots would give you night vision or that swallowing gum meant seven years with a wad of Bubble Yum in your stomach, everyone has fallen for a myth at some point.

Believing that eating your carrots will help you see in the dark probably isn’t such a bad thing — you might even end up healthier for it. But if you believe the wrong marketing myths, it can lead to some disastrous, or at least seriously disappointing, results. With this in mind, here are a few marketing myths you should stop believing, and the truths behind them.


Spin Is the Key to Success

Marketing has earned a bad reputation as lies, lies and more lies. And as a result, many marketers believe that in order to be successful, they have to spin information to hide the shortcomings of their brand or product and exaggerate the benefits. Today’s audiences are far too savvy to fall for these tactics, and as a result, spinning information usually just makes your brand come across and dishonest and untrustworthy.

You don’t have to go as far as pointing out flaws or making fun of yourself, although there have been several brands that have seen success with that approach. The important thing is to develop products, services and values you can truly stand behind, and then market your brand authentically to audiences that will appreciate it.


Marketing Ideas Only Come From Marketing Experts

Marketing is best left to the marketing department, right? Well, yes, most of the time, but there are also plenty of other groups in your organization that should play a role.

The leadership team has insight into the bigger picture and organizational goals that should drive marketing efforts. And without input from sales, the marketing department might end up developing materials that sit on a shelf, never to be used, while missing out on creating something that would entirely transform results. Plus, no matter how stunning your landing page design is, if the page doesn’t load properly, it’s nothing more than a beautiful waste of time — so the IT department may even need to step in.


The More, The Merrier

Reaching a larger audience with your marketing efforts doesn’t always mean you’ll generate more profits. If you’re reaching the wrong audiences, sending the wrong messages or focusing on the wrong marketing vehicles, you’ll just end up wasting money.

The key is to do your research. Identify whom you really need to reach and determine what messages and vehicles will allow you to reach them most effectively. Then invest in highly targeted campaigns. You may not reach as many people, but you will connect on a deeper level with the ones who matter most.


Marketing Is a One-Way Street

Back in the day, marketing consisted of companies communicating to their audiences, usually without expecting or even listening for a response. There was no real feedback, no give and take. Now, with social media, review platforms and more at our fingertips, the game has changed.

Marketing is now a two-way street that requires actively listening to your customers, engaging with them and modifying your strategy based on their input. By turning marketing into a conversation, you’ll be better able to relate to your audiences and deliver content, products and services that resonate and also develop brand loyalty.


Great Creative Means Great Results

Great creative is certainly part of marketing success, but it isn’t all of it. Even the best creative won’t make up for a poorly crafted or nonexistent strategy. Your creative should be driven by clear goals and a solid understanding of the audiences, messages and marketing vehicles that will best help you reach those goals.

Also, when it comes to great creative, keep in mind that a clever tagline and eye-catching design aren’t always enough. Increasingly, brands are focusing on connecting with their audiences through experiences — think pop-up stores, special events and interactive content — in addition to more traditional forms of advertising.

Now that you know the truth about these myths, you’re one step closer to marketing success. Want to know whether eating Pop Rocks while drinking soda will really make your stomach explode? You’ll have to turn to MythBusters for that one.