
Make Marketing Goals That Add Value in 2023
We get reflective as the new year approaches, like everyone else. We sit down and ask ourselves tough questions like: Were our efforts really spent on the most rewarding projects? How much can we afford to expand our enterprise, and what small improvements would go the furthest? And how long can you keep an open …

Mustang Receives Three Awards for Marketing Excellence
We don’t do it for the recognition … but … we can’t really complain when it happens! Recently, Mustang Marketing was honored not one, not two, but three times for our work. We loved collaborating with our incredible clients on each of these projects, and the marketing awards we received were definitely the cherry on …

Consistency Is Key for Marketing Success
Have you ever met someone and then completely forgotten their name by the next time you saw them? It’s happened to most of us. And what if that person had completely changed their hair and clothing style before you saw them again? There’s a good possibility you wouldn’t recognize them at all, let alone remember …

Strategically Driven Creative Leads to Better Marketing Results
Think about the best meal you’ve ever had. Would you have enjoyed it as much if you’d already eaten another giant meal right beforehand? What if you’d eaten it while walking outside on a really windy day? Or if you were allergic to one of the ingredients? The point is, while the meal itself might …

Marketing: Keep Up With the Competition or Differentiate?
Don’t fall behind the competition. Stand out from the crowd. Keep up with the Joneses. March to the beat of your own drum. In marketing, there’s a constant struggle between the desire to differentiate your brand and the fear of being outdone by your competitors. How can you tell when it’s best to align with …