Marketing: The New Universal Language
The fact that an enjoyable life includes surprise and adventure is the only way to explain how I wound up at a party Saturday night in East Berlin, celebrating the successful doctoral thesis of a German woman I had met only five days previous. Late Saturday night (technically early Sunday morning), I found myself with …
ATRA Featured on shared an article on “10 Ways to Save on Car Repairs,” and our long-time client, the Automatic Transmission Rebuilders Association (ATRA), provided a tip on dealing with the appearance of your “check engine” light. Read the other nine tips here.
When You Highlight Everything, You Highlight Nothing
As a college student, and by that I mean a poor and hungry young person, I remember buying a lot of used textbooks at discounted prices to save money so I could indulge in mounds of $5 Domino’s pizza to get me through the week. Sometimes, I would buy these textbooks online in “excellent” condition, …
Danny’s Article on Performing PR on a Budget Posted on the Bulldog Reporter
Read the rest here.
Grammar’s Trickiest Tricks
I was fortunate enough to have foreign exchange students from Austria stay at my home for two weeks while I was in high school. I have been even more fortunate that I have been able to stay in touch with them and even visit them a few times, and on those occasions I’m surrounded by …