The Importance of Taking Time Off

  The perks and pains of a small business are well-chronicled: the intimacy and camaraderie that comes with knowing your coworkers so well is often met with high-pressure demands and everyone wearing multiple hats to get the job done. When one member of the team isn’t at their best, the company as a whole suffers.

Reboot Your New Year’s Resolutions

By Chris Barrett Here’s a phrase you aren’t often thinking about at the end of April: New Year’s resolutions. These tried-and-true (and often failed and forgotten) goals represent the optimism and opportunity that comes with a new year and a fresh start. For businesses, these opportunities can be huge, and missing them—or forgetting about them

Barbecue and Balloons for the West Hills Hospital D2B Team

I was thrilled to be able to attend the West Hills Hospital & Medical Center barbecue, on Thursday, April 16, to honor the first responders and medical staff whose teamwork, dedication and quick response times help to save the lives of heart attack patients every day. The barbecue, held from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.,