Getting Creative Outside of Work

As a graphic designer, I spend roughly eight hours per day “being creative”—and I get paid to do it! Despite that, creativity isn’t something I just put down when I leave the office. Instead, I often find myself seeking ways to incorporate creativity into my after-hours life. Getting creative outside of work helps keep me

What’s a Bad Review Worth?

Social media has cracked open the communication possibilities and realities between businesses and customers. It has added a new dimension to marketing, to PR, to community outreach, to volunteering, to customer service, and it has revolutionized “word-of-mouth.” Social media also creates a unique space for instant and honest feedback. A resulting highlight, for review platforms

Mustang of All Trades

Imagine going to college and simultaneously majoring in every subject offered. In a way (a good way), that might be something like working at Mustang Marketing. As a full-service creative agency with a broad variety of clients, Mustang can easily be described as a “Jack of all trades.” And, in my role as an administrative