The Prizes and Pitfalls of Professional Privacy

As I write this blog, I’m in a T-shirt, barefoot, one leg propped up on my desk playing music sort-of loudly, and I’ve probably picked at a nose itch within the last five minutes and not worried about what it looked like. That’s because, for the vast majority of my work for Mustang Marketing, I

Use the Phone

In our high-tech world of instant connections, email has maintained is status as the go-to business communication method, thanks to its immediacy, remoteness and professionalism. Plus, it leaves a paper trail—never a bad thing in business. When you send an email, there’s no risk of turning a short question into a 20-minute conversation, allowing the

Simplify Your Organization

This past week I went shopping for groceries. It was a big trip since my pantry was nearly empty, except for a few straggling items that ultimately made their way to the trash. When I got back—and my empty pantry had been replaced by a counter full of grocery bags—I started attempting to put things