Game of Words

In the marketing world there exists a secret weapon, a weapon that offers nearly unlimited power to those trained in its use. When used effectively, it provides the ability to influence emotions, shape perceptions and impact decisions—often without the conscious awareness of those affected—bringing even the loftiest marketing goals to fruition. But, if used improperly,


At Mustang, we take branding—and logos—very seriously.  Logos are considered by many to be the foundation for all branding efforts and, as a result, any changes to a logo—whether subtle or dramatic—should only be made after considerable discussion regarding strategy and long-term impact. That said, here at Mustang, we change our logo all the time.

A Happier Workplace Is Only a Cookie Away

Over the course of a 50-year career, someone who works a typical 40-hour week will spend—depending on vacations, holidays, sick leave, etc.—between 80,000 and 100,000 hours at work. That can feel like a painfully long time if it is spent somewhere unpleasant, which is why it is important to create a work environment that employees