Apply Organization to Yourself Before Applying to Others

As Mustang Marketing’s production manager, I spend most of my day getting everyone else organized to make sure that all our internal and client-related jobs are completed on time. When I came into my roll, I had little experience with keeping track of so many people’s roles for so many important projects, as well as

Cooperation Station

Some people confuse cooperation with dictatorship—I tell you what to do and you do it, hence you are cooperating with me. Though it may work, and be the definition for some, this is not the kind of cooperation that breeds creativity or innovation. Breaking the word apart, you literally get “co” and “operate,” which means—you

Turning In the Keys

After an amazing two and a half years, the time has come for me to say goodbye to Mustang Marketing. Thanks to my Mustang journey, I’ve learned a lot of rules of the road that I’ll be able to take with me on my next adventure. It’s not safe to use an outdated AP Stylebook.