Happy Holidays vs. Merry Christmas

Every company has its own holiday season traditions, and right around Thanksgiving, Mustang hits its most volatile tradition head on: the battle between “Happy Holidays” or “Merry Christmas.” The debate always poses interesting discussions about being PC versus simply being honest when crafting our December e-blast. Everyone who works at Mustang Marketing celebrates Christmas—some embrace

Working Relationships in Non-Profit, For-Profit and Public Sector Organizations

I had an opportunity to give a seminar a few days ago on public/private working relationships.  Over the years, I have given quite a few seminars on the working relationships between non-profit and for-profit businesses. Every time I give such a seminar, I am reminded of how different the success measurements are for non-profit, for-profit

PR Lemonade

Addressing complaints isn’t my favorite PR task. Sometimes, however, individuals lash out at Mustang or at one of our clients, and the situation must be swiftly and conscientiously dealt with. In my experience, these people usually stage their complaints on a social media platform. It happens—negative Facebook posts appear on your profile, and, if your