Finding the Right Work-Life Balance

At Mustang Marketing, we pride ourselves on working hard. It’s important to us to consistently deliver our best work to our clients — and in a timely manner. But overall, no matter how hard you work, it’s also critical to find a proper work-life balance. Having a satisfactory amount of time allotted for events/activities outside


At Mustang, we love creating mutually beneficial relationships. So, when our beloved client, Ventura County Credit Union (VCCU), came forward with a proposed opportunity, we jumped to broker the best partnership of all time. Our team has spent the past few months crafting a partnership that establishes VCCU as the official credit union of the

Tips for Grads

We have officially approached graduation season, and Mustang Marketing would like to send a big congratulations to all the grads out there. Now that school is over, graduates are facing the decision of what to do next as they take the leap into the “real world.” Each of us at Mustang once encountered that same