Matchmaking 101: Mustang Style

When it comes to romantic relationships, it’s common for daters to have a “checklist” of desired qualities in a partner. Single people likely have a few things in mind, consciously or subconsciously, when it comes to finding that perfect partner — whether it’s a stable job, a caring personality, trustworthiness, a passion for Thai food

A Hunger for Marketing

At Mustang Marketing, our collective interests include marketing (duh), a good card game (poker and “oh sh*t” are our favorites) — and food. So it should come to no one’s surprise that when brainstorming ideas for our 2016 calendar, a food and drink theme was a frontrunner from day one. It’s possible we held our

Lifelong Learners

In almost any profession, efforts to engage in ongoing learning play a pivotal role in growth and success. But, in a frequently evolving industry like marketing, it’s even more important to continually work to learn new skills, improve existing ones, and stay on the pulse of new ideas and developments. That’s why the team at

Customer Service, Redefined

By: Randall Loui I was recently asked what my philosophy was on customer service. The first thing I thought of was, “the customer is always right.” I thought of every job I’ve had and realized that customer service was at the core of all of them. From my literal customer service representative job that required